All treats, no tricks!

I’m so very late with this post. Halloween was almost two weeks ago and I’m now getting around to sharing about our Halloween. Can you believe that we are already so close to Thanksgiving? Time is flying!

Anyway, back to Halloween. I’m slightly controlling and a sucker for a good themed group costume, but my boys had other plans this year. Last year I chose to do Alice in Wonderland. I was Alice, David was the Mad Hatter, Josiah was the “I’m late” rabbit, and Gavin was the Cheshire Cat. By far my favorite Halloween thus far!


Lucky for me there is one male within our tribe that won’t say no to me. Therefore, I got to pick his costume and he didn’t put up a fuss.

Josiah was the red power ranger this year, and Gavin was the bumblebee transformer. Me and David were Mickey and Minnie Mouse.

It’s always super fun to dress up and walk around the neighborhood collecting candy while chatting with all the neighbors. We had a great time and the boys won a good amount of candy. Candy which mama had no shame stealing from while they slept!

The boys with their winnings and Grandma Trish

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